Refine Sense

We can grow own sense

What is sense?

You might think the familiar conversation like “that person” is always fashionable and has a good sense.

Some people give up to improve their sense since they think “that person” has good sense congenitally.

That’s not the fact. Sense can be refined by your effort.

“That person” who has a good sense does not choose the clothes without thinking/reasons. (Some people always choose a good taste sensuously.)

“That person” knows which clothe is good and optimize themself by their knowledge.

In order to know the elements of good/bad, they make efforts such as reading magazines, buying various clothes to try and learn.

They uses their yardstick, that earned through their effors, to judge the quality of the things and selects the most suitable clothes for themself with objective point of view.

Refining your senses begins with having a yardstick to judge the good/bad (including normal) elements of things.

The yardstick is made from knowledge. Everyone get knowledge. In other words, anyone can refine their senses.

Accuracy of Own Yardstick

What is the meaning of having own yardstick?

It means that they can explain the reasons of their choice by their knowledge.

It should not be a sensuous reasons.

Good sense is the result of logically judging and selecting from the accumulation of knowledge.

In the making decision, your yardstick is very important.

Accuracy is enhanced by an aesthetic eye and a wealth of knowledge that allows attention to detail.

And don’t forget objectivity.

If you choose only with your tastes, you won’t be called a person who have good sense by others.

If they don’t have objectivity view points, they are just a person with a strong commitment.

Consultants and Designers (Logically and Sensibility)

Work as a consultant, we think logically about things.

However, logical thinking for optimize is not always lead as a good-sense-consultant.

Feeling the essence and getting knowledge from a lot of information are the difference between a good-sense-consultant and consultant.

A good-sense-consultant will be able to become partner in the consulting farm or self-employed worker.

On the other hand, how many designers can explain their products logically with the elements that are subdivided, structured from info.

It is the difference between a good-sense-designer and designer.

A good-sense-designer will be a creative director.

Now they are approaching each other because of their symmetry.

The first step to refine your senses

This step may seem heavy, but it’s actually easy.

It’s a good idea to start by knowing something what is considered good in the past.

Knowing good means understand the elements of goodness by paying attention to the details.

You can develop your yardstick by feeling or noticing something in common in the small elements.

By making judgments using your yardstick, sometimes making mistakes, you can refine your sence and to be like “that person”.

Aesthetic Intelligence