Pursuing 『Shin, Zen and Bi』

Think yourself

Plan yourself

Let’s practice with courage

Defeat yourself

Love others

Pursuing Shin, Zen and Bi

From school precepts that I graduated

It was school precepts that I wasn’t really aware of at the time. When I read it back, it touches my heart.

As for the first half, not only students but also employed person have to “think, plan and practice yourself” . For example, when you study something or especially when you promote a project at work. Actually, we have to work while involving the people around us. That point is included in the next part, I think.

The second half is about the Shin, Zen and Bi (True, good and beautiful) that is Aesthetic Intelligence concept. Nowadays, it is often said that business requires an element of art. I feel that through consulting work. There are more and more cases where decisions are made based on insights. That is one of appeal to sensibilities, rather than just thinking logically. In fact, some design companies ware acquired by consulting firms.

Everyone reaches the same idea when we think about things logically. So I think it will be important to create unique ideas by our emotional thinking. It means pursuing 『Shin, Zen and Bi』, we think.

Aesthetic Intelligence